Upload floor plans

Upload floor plans

An image says more than one hundred words. You can upload any image type of your house foor plans, use any floor plan design tool, or just draw a hand ✏ sketch of your home layout.

Setup Devices

Setup your smart devices

Drag your devices into your house floor plans, add light bulbs, smart plugs, smart switch, buttons, door sensors, alarm, motion detectors, and many more smart devices.

Turn devices ON and OFF

Control your devices

In a single application or web page control all your smart devices, turn them on and off, see all the turned on devices, review operation logs, add as many devices as you want.

How does it work?

INNER HOUSE sends Webhooks notifications to turn ON or OFF your smart devices, no matter the device brand any IFTTT compatible device can be controlled.
Also, INNER HOUSE can receive API notifications to keep track of device status. You can use your floorplans to see which lights or devices are turned ON and turn them OFF with just one click.
Workflow is very simple: The initial setup requires a laptop then you can use your mobile, Fire TV, Alexa, or Tablet. Just upload house floor plans, setup Webhooks key ID, and set up devices.

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